“If you want to change the world, go home and love your family”
-St. Teresa of Calcutta
Strengthening Family Ties: Embracing the Magic of Family Sundays
The Transformative Power of Family Sundays: Nurturing Bonds Across Time
As life unfurls its myriad paths for each family member, the cohesion that once seemed an unspoken given can begin to thin. It was amidst such a transition that I discovered an essential truth: the necessity for connection within my family was a constant, despite the evolving stages of life. I didn’t just WANT to connect with my family. I NEEDED to connect with my family. I am not a hovering parent. My husband and I love to hang out with our family when we can. Everyone is just so busy living their lives. This is the genesis of Family Sundays, an initiative to fortify our familial bonds.
I was thinking about old and new generations. The way that we come together and do things is different. Sometimes that lends to rough relationships. With communication and showing up for each other we can strengthen those bonds. I found a video that shows two short films on these bonds. We can always change our path when we have a better understanding of our bonds within family.
Strengthening Family Ties: Family Sundays and The Journey to Reconnection:
The launch of Family Sundays within my home was akin to planting a sapling in unyielding soil. The enthusiasm was muted, schedules clashed, and the endeavor felt akin to holding onto sand—each grain representing precious moments with my children, slipping away. Some Sundays passed with a poignant silence punctuated only by the clock, marking the fleeting time I yearned to savor. Some had a few of my kids showing up. I had to stop looking at this moment in terms of success ONLY if they all showed. You can see from our 2019 family photo that I have 6 kids. I love and miss them all. It feels like a big deal when I get them all around me. I want that. I want my kids to be in my life. I think that they want to continue to be active with me in theirs.
Strengthening Family Ties: Family Sundays and The First Breakthrough
I recall the Sunday that marked a turning point. My youngest, usually enmeshed in her new-found independence, walked into the kitchen asking what she could do to help get dinner ready. My daughter made the salad and the aroma of my mom’s spaghetti sauce (affectionately called ‘Love Sauce’ because she always stated that she put a lot of love into it) wafted through the house as she took to the kitchen with a surprising eagerness. My second-born surprised us with a selection of rare soda flavors to enhance the meal. Then my other two daughters showed up setting the table and creating ambience by making it all look nice. It was a moment that signified a shift, from ritual to relationship, from obligation to affection.
Strengthening Family Ties: Family Sundays and The Subtle Alchemy of Hope
Persistence, coated in patience, slowly turned the tide. Card and board games replaced the silence, and the house gradually resonated with life’s symphony—laughter, banter, and the sizzling sound of shared meals. And, it wasn’t just about the meals or the activities. We were catching up with each other. Communicating. These Sundays transformed from mere gatherings to a tapestry of shared experiences, each thread a testament to our enduring connection.
Strengthening Family Ties: The Fabric of Family
On one such Sunday, as I watched my children interact—exchanging stories, navigating shared tasks, and reveling in the triumph of our favorite team’s score (Even though they lost-Go Bills!)—I realized my role had evolved. I was no longer just a parent but a participant in this beautiful dynamic, a mentor, and a friend within the circle of trust we had re-created. I can’t tell you how happy I was seeing us all together again. Not because we had to but because we wanted to be there. It’s not an easy thing to sync up our schedules and travel. A few of my kids have to travel 30-50 minutes to visit. It’s a commitment of time, gas and wear and tear on their cars. I sound off my appreciation of this.
I had questioned if doing every Sunday was a bit much and my children said ‘no’. They want to keep up doing these events together. I try to keep it between 5pm and 8pm so that they’ve got their day to do as they please/must. It’s early enough to choose to leave to be home at a decent hour or to go visit with their partners’ families that live nearby. That’s important, too!
Strengthening Family Ties: The Ripple Effect of Tradition
Family Sundays have grown into much more than a scheduled meeting; they’ve become a tradition. This tradition has allowed us to adapt and grow together, offering a beacon for my children as they navigate the wider world, assuring them of their roots and the arms that will always welcome them home.
As the sun casts its warm glow on the faces of my grown children, I feel a profound sense of completion. The concept of an ’empty nest’ has transformed. It’s no longer a syndrome to fear but a season to embrace, enriched by the renewal Family Sundays have brought us. Our home, though quieter, is forever imbued with the echoes of our unity, promising not silence but stories yet to unfold.
What About You?
Would you like to see this in your life as well? What do you do? Please share your experiences with your family traditions in my comments section! Tell me more about how Family Sundays (or any Family ‘Day’) might work for you.
